digraph G { Guido [shape = box, style = filled, color = blue]; Iznogood [shape = box]; Floris [shape = box]; Guus [shape = box]; Unknown [shape = box, label = "?"]; JeanEtienne [shape = box, label = "Jean-Etienne"]; EditorInChief [label = "Editor in chief"]; FrenchTeam [label = "French Team"]; DutchTeam [label = "Dutch Team"]; ContactPersonForEnglish [label = "Contact Person for English"]; GermanTeam [label = "German Team"]; EditorInChief -> Guido; EditorInChief -> FrenchTeam [style = bold]; EditorInChief -> DutchTeam [style = bold]; EditorInChief -> ContactPersonForEnglish [style = bold]; EditorInChief -> GermanTeam [style = bold]; edge [color = red]; /* defines the team leaders */ FrenchTeam -> Iznogood; DutchTeam -> Floris; DutchTeam -> Guus; ContactPersonForEnglish -> Guido; GermanTeam -> Unknown; edge [color = green]; /* defines the authors */ Guido -> Guido; Unknown -> Guido; Guido -> Iznogood; Iznogood -> Iznogood; Guido -> JeanEtienne; Iznogood -> JeanEtienne; }